These are the specific cookies we use on this website.
Measuring service usage
Name | Purpose | Expires |
_ga | This helps us count how many people visit this website by tracking if you've visited before | When the browsing session ends |
_gid | Stores and updates a unique value for each page you've visited to help us improve your experience | 1 day |
ai_session | Allows us to track how you’re using the service via Microsoft Application Insights | 30 minutes |
ai_user | Allows us to track how you’re using the service via Microsoft Application Insights | 1 year |
Essential cookies
Name | Purpose | Expires |
seen_cookie_message | Allows us to remember whether you have dismissed the cookie banner so we do not show it to you again | 28 days |
AnalyticsConsent | Allows us to remember whether you have opted out of Google Analytics | 1 year |